Free Forms

Contact forms help organizations gather new clients, but you need to optimize them to generate more leads. You need simple forms that effectively gather your website visitors' personal information. It's a good thing there are free forms at your disposal.

If you know how to create the correct forms, you can collect contact information quickly and add them to your database. These forms are also practical when accumulating feedback about your service. You can use the following ways to optimize your contact forms.

How to Use Free Forms to Boost Lead Generation?

1. Use an Attractive Design for Your Free Forms

It might be the last thing you'd think about while using form builder software but a form's design matters. The design should be able to attract and keep your users' attention.

It would help if you could use it to echo your brand. You could design your forms with some relevance to your company logo or landing page.

However, having less is more when it comes to contact forms. A study shows that contact forms with fewer fields enjoy more conversions. Create forms that are concise while obtaining critical user information.

Make your free forms professional yet straightforward. The simpler they are, the more appealing they are to the users.

Put the contact form above the fold on your website. Users will not miss them every time they visit your site.

2. Cut Down Your Questions to the Critical Ones

Try to keep your contact form questions as simple as possible without repeating or rephrasing them. Don't bore your users with repeated questions. Besides, the fewer questions you have, the less likely it is for users to abandon your forms. You could limit your questions to the most critical ones, such as the user's name and email address.

 Free Forms

3. Use a Compelling Call to Action

A strong CTA can help boost your conversion rates. Use direct and urgent language for your CTA to tell people what to do next. Some good examples are "learn more," "sign up," "subscribe," and "get started." Use these words to propel your users to action and convert them into paying customers.

4. Find Free Forms with a Mobile-friendly Design

Contact forms usually work without a hitch for desktop users. However, they can be challenging to fill out when using mobile devices. Find the best online form builder that will give you a mobile-first design. It will reduce the risk of your users abandoning the form, considering that they find it a hassle to fill it out on their phones or tablets.

5. Include a Privacy Policy

Assure your users that you will keep their personal information private and secure. You could put a link to direct them to your privacy policy to show that assurance. They will feel safer about providing their sensitive information in your free forms.

6. Avoid Asking for Phone Numbers

Despite assurances about their privacy, some users may still hesitate in sharing their phone numbers. They might feel the same way about sharing their address and bank details.

If you insist on getting these details, they might not finish filling out your form. If your free online form builder with a database has a field for the phone number, make it optional.

7. Include Questions with Conditions

Some free forms come with intelligent features, such as providing specific questions depending on the user's answer to a previous one. You might want to know whether the user is an existing customer or member.

Online Free Forms

Ask them about it. If they say no, you will not provide a subset of follow-up questions. If they say yes, give them questions about their membership or transactions as a customer.

8. Consider Auto-fill in Your Free Forms

Help users complete your form with an auto-fill feature for fields they have answered before. The said feature may also auto-predict answers. However, it would help if you also give your users the option to avoid auto-fill. Some might want to answer independently, especially if they have misgivings about auto-filling personal information.

Create optimized free forms without coding anything using FormBot. You can use our form builder to customize a form for your website in minutes. We have hundreds of templates you can use to target a specific audience. You can also embed a FormBot form on your website or social media platform.

Gather more leads using FormBot's eye-catching free forms. You can use them while assure your customers secure payments and personal information. Make your forms the ultimate partner in your lead generation mission. Contact FormBot today!

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