Best College Application Templates 2025

College Application Form Templates - Every organization, including colleges and universities, need an online form to fast-track their services. For instance, schools require aspiring students to fill up a form and submit other requirements to determine if they pass their standards and qualifications. It's the reason why it's vital to create a college application template on their website, giving applicants a chance to prepare for their application.

An online form also helps colleges and universities learn more about the applicants. It can easily collect contact details, educational background, GPAs, SAT scores, achievements, and other extracurricular activities. It lets organizations filter out applications that don't meet their expectations, allowing them to speed up their process, avoid scanning hundreds of paperwork, and save time and resources.

What to Consider When Making College Application Templates?

Are you planning to build a university application form online? If so, continue reading to learn a thing or two about the process.

Things to Know Before Creating An Application Form For Your Institution

Before launching an online form for your organization, design a template capturing every vital detail, you need from your applicant. In addition, keep in mind your admission requirements, academic standards, organizational structure, and other types of programs you offer, making sure that you provide a practical university or college application template.

Types of Online College Application Form Templates

  • University Application
  • College Application
  • Academy Application
  • Summer School Application
  • University Recourse Form
  • International Student Application
  • Student Application
  • Admissions Application
  • School Application
  • Leave Application Form for School
  • Absence Form
  • Generic Scholarship Application
  • School Enrollment Form
University Free Template

After identifying which form you need, move on to the next step—designing a form that allows you to know more about the aspirants. Next, curate the important form components, which will indicate whether an applicant meets your school standards or not.

Here are some of the things you must consider when creating a college application template form for your institution:

University Application Form Questions

Ensure to include questions that cover everything about applicants. It allows you to see if they meet your standards while also giving aspirants a chance to consider them.

Essay or writing sample

This component enables applicants to outshine other hopefuls through creativity and intellectual skills. Moreover, it lets you understand their point of view, unique situation, and different beliefs that might be interesting.


Never forget to include Transcript, as it shows previous schools, courses taken, grades and scores, and school attendance of your applicant. With this comprehensive report, you'd see if they are eligible to study in your institution.

Test Scores

It is also essential to get the scores of your applicants' SAT and ACT. It shows whether they fit the course or program they want to take in your organization.

College Recommendation Forms

With recommendations from trusted individuals and organizations, you'd determine whether your applicant has the right skills, knowledge, or even potential to get accepted by you.

List of Activities and Portfolio Attachment

It shows your applicant's interests and highlights their skills and capabilities.

Fee or Fee Waiver Form

Through this section, you'll know if the aspirant is financially capable of joining your institution. It will also help organizations determine which among scholar hopefuls you can grant.

What to Include in a College Application Template

It is also essential to create a template that helps aspirants prepare for their application. So, whether you aim to provide free printable college applications or PDF forms, ensure that you include the following:

  1. Candidate name
  2. Full address of the aspirant, including city, state, and zip code
  3. The contact number of the candidate
  4. Emergency contact number
  5. Basic information about the applicant, including birthday, language, religion, gender, etc.
  6. A disclaimer that says would not use the demographic information unjustly
  7. Type of enrollment required by the candidate
  8. Target course
  9. Preferred campus
  10. Preferred season of admission
  11. Information whether the candidate would require in the campus housing facility
  12. Educational attainment
  13. Current institution's address
  14. Expected date of graduation from their current school
  15. Name of family members who may have attended the same college or university
  16. Details about extracurricular activities of the candidate
  17. Provision for attachments of additional documents
  18. Information regarding the parents of the candidate
  19. Terms and conditions
University Form Template

The Best Form Builder to Create a University Application Template

Any university and college institution requires aspiring students to answer their application form. It serves as their first step to knowing who among the students are pre-qualified for admission. And on the flip side, it allows applicants to express themselves more, increasing their chance to study in their dream school.

However, universities and colleges must find the right form builder suited to their organization to make the process easier and more convenient.

Try Formbot, the University Application Form Builder

Formbot is a free online tool that lets organizations create their form in just a few minutes. So whether a school wants to build a university application template or launch other organizational online forms, FormBot provides them with a hassle-free tool without costing them an arm and a leg.

With FormBot, creators don't need to hire a professional website developer as it offers a wide range of templates. It also enables organizations to customize their online form, matching their branding, goals, and unique preferences.

Universities and colleges will also benefit from the features usually found in paid tools. It also gives form owners an option to store their collected data, assuring that they are safe, private, and secure.

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