Get 99+ Free Form Surveys

Individual users and organizations choose to make online form surveys instead of traditional printed surveys because of their benefits. They are relatively cheaper, have faster results, and you can analyze findings quickly. To get better responses and higher data quality, you must make online form surveys straightforward, reliable, user-friendly, and actionable.

How to Create Form Surveys?

To design a survey that will reach your target audience, take note of these tips:

Determine the Purpose of your Survey

If you don’t have a clear goal, you’ll likely end up with indistinct results. The last thing you want is a set of responses that don’t help you interpret the findings in a valuable way. Excellent surveys are built on solid objectives. To do this, take the time to identify the research goal, the things you want to accomplish, the kind of data you’re collecting, and the decisions you wish to impact with the results. By planning the workings of your online survey thoroughly, you can get quality responses and not uninterpretable data. For instance, you are aiming to improve your product. You can make an itemized list of things that you can enhance, and your customers can rate them according to their prioritization value.
Form Surveys

Keep the Survey Brief

If you’re planning to create Google forms or other form surveys, you must make them short and focused. This way, you can enhance the quality and quantity of responses. It is much better to zero in on one subject than to develop a long survey covering many objectives. Surveys shorter in length get higher response rates and a lower chance of abandonment among users. After all, some people have a short attention span and can’t stick around for long. Once they see that it consists of many pages, they might lose interest and forgo filling it up. It leaves you clueless to interpret the partial data set you received or, worse, make the response invalid. See to it that your questions are geared towards your objectives. Avoid throwing in any queries you suddenly think about if they don’t directly help your goals.

Be More Specific With Your Questions

Try to use more close-ended questions in your form surveys. Give respondents exact choices (like Yes or No), Likert scale, or multiple choices, so it’ll be easy to evaluate results. You may also do open-ended questions. It is when you allow people to answer freely using their personal thoughts. These may be useful when getting supplemental information like qualitative insights. But if you’re collating and examining responses, close-ended questions can do the job.

Be Consistent with Scale Questions Throughout the Form Surveys

You can put rating scales on your form surveys to measure and compare different sets of variables. If you opt to use it, make sure to do so consistently. If you use number points like 1-5 on one question, make sure you apply it to other relevant questions. Also, guarantee that the meanings of high and low on your scale remain consistent. Switching your rating scales can confuse respondents, which could cause undependable results.

Top 3 Survey Form Builder 2025

There is an abundance of online form builders available in the market today. Here are some of them:
  • Google Forms For Business or Personal
  • JotForms
  • FormBot

1. Google Forms For Business or Personal

Google Forms is part of Google’s suite of applications. It lets you gather meaningful survey responses from your target audience. It is available for personal or business use, and it’s free. It provides a great set of features to meet most of your needs. However, do not expect advanced features similar to other premium builders. Using this application, some of the form fields you can include are short answers, paragraphs, multiple choices, checkboxes, dropdown, file upload, and more. You can add many questions and separate them into sections. Wondering how to use Google forms? Go to, sign in to your account, and click ‘Blank.’
Survey Form Templates

2. JotForms, the Free Form Survey Maker

JotForms offers up to 250 templates, so you’ll have many choices for different occasions. What’s great is they’re available on both free and paid plans. All their forms work on all devices, whether desktop or mobile. Customizing fields in this application is hassle-free. You can change color schemes, themes, and layout through your mobile device. Their form fields include personal details, multiple-choice, file upload, CAPTCHA, date picker, star rating, etc.

3. FormBot, Form Surveys Builder

Form Bot is an online form builder that has an affordable subscription plan. It is suitable for beginners and lets you customize forms based on your branding. You can also smoothly integrate it with other apps to analyze your data quickly. To get started with an intuitive and advanced form builder, contact us at FormBot to create free online form surveys.

Form Templates

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